2022 has been one for the books. First and foremost, we opened Bynes Consulting Group on August 20, 2022! These past four months have been so exciting in expanding services and opportunities for non-profits throughout our community. Below is a year in review:
Clients Served: 6
Grants Written: 7
Grants Calendars & Management Tools Created: 3
Funding Requested for Clients: $165,999
Advocacy Priorities Developed: 3
Policy Analysis Completed: 3
Meetings Facilitated: 12
Communications Plans Developed: 1
Press Releases, Articles, and Newsletters Written: 8
Rebrands Managed: 1
Broad-based Marketing Campaigns Launched: 1
Thank you, most of all, to our clients who have entrusted us to do work that advances their missions and serves the people of Arizona. Our clients include:
Alexander|Carrillo Consulting
AZAging|Arizona’s Area Agencies on Aging
Casa de los Niños
City of Tucson Ward 4
The Human-Animal Connection
Pima Council on Aging
We look forward to continuing our work into 2023. Until then, Happy New Year from Bynes Consulting Group!
